These 7 Women Topped UPSC Exams against All Odds and Proved They Are Amazing in Every Way

Education is an integral part of our lives. It is the foundation of the future that we have planned for ourselves. But for a long time, women have been denied the right to education and always had to face some kind of hurdle on their path to development. But there are some who defy all odds and prove themselves by surpassing these obstacles.
Recently, the list of candidates, who cracked the toughest examination in the country i.e the Union Public Service Commission examination, was released. And, for the third time in a row, a woman, Nandini K R, secured the top position in the country. So, here is a list of some amazing women who have broken all the barriers and successfully cracked the coveted UPSC exam.
Nandini K R
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Nandini K R, an IRS officer from Karnataka, topped this year's civil services exam. This was Nandini's fourth attempt. Daughter of a government school teacher, Nandini is a civil engineering graduate from the M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru. Before her final attempt this year, she was selected for IRS in her second attempt but could not clear her prelims. Despite all odds, Nandini cleared the exams this year.
Tina Dabi

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Tina Dabi gave her UPSC's civil service exams in 2016 and grabbed the top rank too. Dabi completed her graduation from Lady Shri Ram College in Delhi University. During her graduation, she had also earned a gold medal in Political Science. Belonging to a family of engineers, she is the first Dalit girl to top the exams. She wants to work towards improving gender related issues.
Ira Singhal
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Ira Singhal topped the UPSC exam in 2014. She cracked the civil services exam in her fourth attempt and became the first physically challenged woman to excel in the civil services exam in the general category. Ira, who hails from Meerut, suffers from scoliosis, a spine-related disorder, which disrupts her arm movement. She aims to do something for the differently-abled people and also to empower women.

Renu Raj
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A doctor by profession, Renu Raj is the daughter of a retired bus conductor in Kerela. She had secured second rank in 2014 UPSC exams on her first attempt. Renu, who is from Kottayam, always had Indian Administrative Service as her first preference. Belonging from a middle-class family, nothing could ever hamper her motivation to clear the exams.

Nidhi Gupta

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Nidhi Gupta secured third rank in the 2014 UPSC exam. She is currently working as an Indian Revenue Service (Customs and Central Excise) officer. She passed the exam on her fifth attempt and, before that, she was selected in civil service in 2013 but in IAS department.
Vandana Rao
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Vandana Rao secured fourth rank in UPSC exams in 2012 and led the list in the OBC category. Belonging to the Kangan Heri village in Najafgarh area of south-west Delhi, Vandana cleared the exam on her second attempt. Vandana, who hails from a middle-class family, found her inspiration to crack the civil services exam from her father. She always wanted to be a civil servant because she wanted to do something worthwhile for her country.
Saumya Pandey

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Hailing from Allahabad, Saumya Pandey secured fourth position in the 2014 UPSC exams. She holds a gold medal in Electrical Engineering from Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology. Saumya is also a trained Kathak dancer. She wanted to become a civil servant to serve the society as an electrical engineer.
These women have done something exceptional that many people just dream of and we truly salute their courage and knowledge.

China Has Launched A Train Which Doesn’t Need Tracks! This Is Seriously Heights Of Progress!
Indians should learn something from China; here, people are busy creating controversies on matters of least importance and there in China, new technologies are being developed at a super-fast speed. Don’t you think India must concentrate on technological advancements rather than debating on worthless issues?
On Indian TV channels, you will find headlines about peacock mating or gau-rakshaks or plans of “Gaddha-Mukt” roads, but on Chinese news channels, you will always get to see something innovative. After building the world’s complex overpass, China has now introduced a trackless train. Yes, it’s the latest development by the nation; must say, China has some really brilliant engineers.
Details about the trackless train!
This train runs on various virtual rails and has been introduced for speeding up public transportation. The trackless train was introduced in China’s Hunan Province, Zhuzhou, on the 2nd of June. If reports are to be believed, these trains are non-polluting

How To Send Blank Messages On Whatsapp And On Other Social Media

In This Article I Will Teach You Following Things 
1. What Is WhatsApp?
2. How To Send Blank Message On WhatsApp?

What Is Whatsapp?

WhatsApp Messenger is a cross-platform instant messaging application that allows iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, Windows Phone and Nokia smartphone users to exchange text, image, video and audio messages for free.
WhatsApp is especially popular with end users who do not have unlimited text messaging. In addition to basic messaging, WhatsApp provides group chat and location sharing options.

How To Send Blank Message On WhatsApp?

As users can’t send empty messages on WhatApp, Developers have developed this app to share empty or blank messages with your WhatsApp contacts. This is both fun and at the same time surprising to your friends. You can prank your friends by sending empty or blank messages.
Sent is very easy to use the app. With just one tap you can send an empty message to your WhatsApp Contacts.Follow The Steps Below Carefully To Send Blank Message On Whatsapp.


1. Download The No Word App.
2. Install The App.
3.Open And You will See Blank Space And share icon.
4. Click On share Icon And choose Any social media App Like whatsApp
5.Now choose Contacts done

This Rickshaw Puller Saved A Girl From Suicide! Here’s What She Did To Him Few Years Later!

Life is so damn unpredictable! None of us know what will happen the very next moment. Many people have that notion that good people are hardly found these days, but no, this rickshaw puller has changed this perception completely.

Well, Bablu Shekh (55), a rickshaw puller, saved a girl (His passenger) from ending her life. Yes, she decided to commit suicide since she had a troubled love affair. Basically, the girl was supposed to run away with her BF, but he dumped her at the end moment. Her tears were uncontrollable and this made Bablu very upset. She was disturbed and in this situation, she could think of just 1 way out i.e. jumping in front of the train; however, instead of leaving her alone, Shekh convinced her and pulled her away from the tracks. For this, he had to hear lots of abuses, but he didn’t mind!
It was because of Shekh that the girl’s life was saved; she became a doctor and here’s where the co-incidence came. After few years, when Shekh met with an accident, it was the same girl i.e. the doctor, who saved him. Read how Karma rewarded him; check this Facebook post shared by a photographer from Bangladesh.
The post read,
“We always wanted a daughter. But we have three sons. I often told my wife only fortunate have daughter. I am working as a rickshaw puller for more than thirty years. Most of my passengers were bad tempered. They always scolded me. One morning a father hired me to take his daughter to the college. He requested me to be careful in the road. He told his daughter to hold the rickshaw tightly. Before we left he told me to go slowly so the girl may not get hurt. On our way after sometime I heard the girl was crying insanely. I tried to look back and wanted to ask her if everything was okay. She scolded me and warned me not to look back. After a while she asked me to stop and started calling someone by her phone. She was screaming and crying all the time.

I understood she supposed to escape from home with a boy. He did not show up. Suddenly she jumped from the rickshaw, left the money in the seat and quickly went to the train line. I was about to leave, felt sorry for the father and thought it may be good not to have a daughter. But I was not able to paddle further; I heard her father was requesting me to be careful. I parked my vehicle and ran for the girl. She was in the rail line, moving like a sick person to harm herself.

I went near to her and requested her to go back with me. She yelled at me, called me uneducated stupid, in between she kept crying insanely. I was afraid to leave her in that empty place. I let her cry, as much as she wanted. Almost three hours we were there and rain was about to come. Before the rain starts she got up and asked me to bring the rickshaw. We did not talk about anything. In the rain I paddled quickly. I dropped her near her house. Before I left she stopped me and said, ‘Uncle, you should never come at my place again, never tell anyone you know me.’ I lowered my head and returned to home. That day I did not talk to anyone, I did not eat anything. I told myself it was better not to have a daughter.

After more than eight years, very recently I had an accident. I was kind of senseless. Public took me to the hospital;. When I got back my sense I saw the girl was working near me, she asked me how I was feeling, why I never went to meet her. It was hard for me to recognize the girl in white dress, in spectacle and stethoscope. My treatment went well. I was taken to a big doctor.

I was listening to her telling him, ‘Sir, he is my father’. The old doctor told her something in English. Then she touched my injured hand and replied him, ‘If this father did not support me in the past, I won’t be able to become a doctor’. I was lying in a narrow bed and tightly shut my eyes. I cannot tell anyone how I felt. This rickshaw puller has a daughter, a doctor daughter.

– Bablu Shekh (55)”
Wasn’t it a heartwarming story? Things would have been totally different if she would have ended her life. Kudos to to the rickshaw puller who came to her rescue and made things better.

1.3 million children urgently need humanitarian assistance after storms batter Bay of Bengal

At least 1.3 million children are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance across the Bay of Bengal region following severe weather over the past six days, UNICEF has warned.
Devastation wrought by Cyclone Mora in Myanmar and Bangladesh, and torrential monsoon rains across Sri Lanka have left children homeless and in need of protection, nutrition and health services.
“Children who have had their lives upended by brutal storms, severe flooding and landslides, are now threatened by a lack of safe drinking water, inadequate hygiene services and limited access to healthcare,” said Manuel Fontaine, UNICEF Director of Emergency Programmes.
“We must move quickly to ensure that services and supplies are in place to keep children safe and to stem the spread of communicable diseases like diarrhea, cholera or respiratory infections.”
UNICEF is particularly concerned about children and families who were already displaced and living in precarious conditions before the bad weather struck – this includes some 74,000 Rohingya refugees who recently crossed into Bangladesh and were sheltering in an area badly affected by Cyclone Mora, and 120,000 displaced people in Myanmar’s Rakhine State. 
“The sad reality is these children have now been hit by double humanitarian crises,” said Fontaine.
“Displaced Rohingya children in Myanmar and Bangladesh, for example, were in many cases already struggling to access essential services even before the storm struck. It’s imperative that we reach these vulnerable and marginalized groups – as well as those living in poor communities who will be far more susceptible to fallout from these storms – with the support they need.”
The destruction caused by the storms in each of the three countries has been brutal. Initial reports from Myanmar indicate severe damage from Cyclone Mora to villages, schools and shelters accommodating displaced people in Rakhine and Chin states.
While in Bangladesh, Cyclone Mora has affected around 2.8 million people in vulnerable coastal districts. In Sri Lanka, flash floods and landslides from monsoon rains have so far affected more than 631,000 people, displacing at least 77,000.  
UNICEF and its partners are ramping up efforts to provide children and families from all communities devastated by the storms in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Myanmar with lifesaving services and support, regardless of their ethnicity, religion and citizenship status.
This includes:
Bangladesh: pre-positioned supplies in heavily hit areas of Cox’s Bazar and Chittagong, including hygiene kits, water purification tablets, plastic buckets, squatting plates and tarpaulins for approximately 11,000 people.
Myanmar: assessments to gather information on damages and needs in central and northern Rakhine and Chin states where landslides have disrupted major supply routes.  UNICEF has pre-positioned plastic buckets, water purification tables, and tarpaulins and is working to provide supplies to get temporary learning spaces configured as the school year is just beginning. 
Sri Lanka: distribution of 1,260 10-litre jerry cans, 1,000 tarpaulins and 100,000 water purification tablets to affected communities, and support for Government child protection efforts. 

What'sApps will now run without internet

These days, a message on WhatsApp is becoming increasingly viral. This message is being claimed that now WhatsApp can run free of charge without internet.
The company itself has started this feature. This message is also being increasingly shared. However, this fact was discovered when it was tested for its reality.
In this message, it is written, "Now, you can play Whatsapp without internet from today. Whatsapp has launched ultra-light WiFi features so that you can run free 3G internet anywhere. Click this link to activate it '. In this message, a link has been given that the user has to follow further process by opening.
Here is the real test of the link:
We have done the real test of the link given in this message. That is, open the link and follow all the instructions for moving forward. What happened when these processes ended in the last? Whether it was running the Internet without WhatsApp or a new result came out. This message was told in the result.

Judy malware infects millions of Android devices                           
The adware was found on 41 applications developed by a Korean company.

A new malware called Judy has infected millions of Android smartphones, reportedNDTV. The adware was found on 41 applications developed by a Korean company called Estudio. It has been removed from the Google store now, reported Mint.
The malware was flagged by security solutions firm Check Point. Researchers said the malware used infected devices to generate revenue by generating fraudulent clicks on ads. They believe the malware has infected 8.5 million to 36.5 million devices.
The bug is called Judy because “Judy the Chef”, an American television personality and chef, was a common factor in the apps affected.
“Some of the apps we discovered resided on Google Play for several years, but all were recently updated,” Check Point team told NDTV. “It is unclear how long the malicious code existed inside the apps, hence the actual spread of the malware remains unknown.”


HummingBad Malware Returns – Uses Your Phone to Make Ad Cash for Hackers

After last year clean up, looks like the HummingBad malware has made a return with its new, more powerful and annoying version.
Back in February 2016 if you remember, HummingBad has made the headlines. This malicious app affected around 10 million Android smartphones around the world.
The software gained root access on the affected devices and started collecting personal data and made it look like they are clicking on ads. They folks behind this made around $300,000 per month.
The malware was spread using third-party app stores and has managed to reach so many devices that it has become the fourth most prevalent malware known. However, it did not manage to infiltrate the official Google Play store.
The new version was dubbed as HummingWhale by the folks at Check Point Software Technologies who first spotted it and saw that it has improved add fraud capabilities in its code. So, if the user spots the app and goes to close the app process then HummingWhale will go under and turns into a virtual machine which is way lot harder to detect.
The new HummingWhale started gaining attention when the apps that were published under the names of several Chinese developers (possibly fake developers) showed the behaviour that was not normal at the startup. “It registered several events on boot, such as TIME_TICK, SCREEN_OFF and INSTALL_REFERRER which [were] dubious in that context,” wrote Check Point. They also carried an encrypted file of 1.3 MB posing as an image but acting as an executable app file.
“This .apk operates as a dropper, used to download and execute additional apps, similar to the tactics employed by previous versions of HummingBad. However, this dropper went much further. It uses an Android plugin called DroidPlugin, originally developed by Qihoo 360, to upload fraudulent apps on a virtual machine,” the company notes.



A New Milestone for DuckDuckGo, Hits 14 Million Searches A Day

The internet search engine DuckDuckGo has been experiencing a great growth as the company hits the 10 billion total anonymous searches and over 14 million searches a day mark. Out of the 10 billion mentioned above, 4 billion searches were made in December of 2016. It is no wonder that the team behind DuckDuckGo are in excited as ever.
Cofounder  CEO & Founder of the company, Gabriel Weinberg said, “We are proud to say that at the end of 2016, we surpassed a count of 10 billion anonymous searches served in total, with over 4 billion in 2016. We are growing faster than ever with our first 14Million a day on Jan 10, 2017.”
The market in which DuckDuckGo works is very competitive and that makes their growth more and more remarkable. It is not an easy feat taking customers away from the likes of legends like Google. When they are asked about their catalyst for their huge growth in a fairly saturated market, DuckDuckGo said that it owed the growth due to the public fear and concerns about their individual privacy and the privacy of their searches and data. Scepticism regarding a companies ability and willingness to protect public privacy is one more reason for DuckDuckGo’s recent growth.
This company is not alone in their assertion, they are backed by Pew Research which conducted a study that found some 40% of internet users say that a search engine provider “should not retain information about their activity”
DuckDuckGo is not merely content with raising privacy standards for itself; it is dedicated to improving the privacy of users in general. This is highlighted by the fact DuckDuckGo recently donated $225,000 to 9 organisations who are privacy-focussed. The company is always looking to aid companies who have privacy as a central tenant of their policy. DuckDuckGo has the vision of wanting to be the most trusted search engine in the world which may explain the companies obsession with transparency and privacy.
So give DuckDuckGo a shot by download their app on Android


US Makes HTTPS Mandatory for All New .Gov Websites

To increase the security of the government websites that are usually targetted by the hackers, United States will default to HTTPS to all the new .gov websites starting this year.
During the administration of Obama, the government has set December 31 as the deadline for all government websites to switch to HTTPS, but from some unofficial stats, we know that only 60 percent of these websites actually completed did the transition.
Now the General Services Administration announced that from 2017, all new .gov websites will have HTTPS automatically.
“As new executive branch domains have been registered, dotgov.gov program will submit all these websites to the web browsers for “preloading”. After the submission, nearly three organisation time is taken to complete the “preloading” in the modern browsers. All these changes will be issued to the dotgov customers when they register a new domain now under the Executive Branch, and will not have any effect on existing or any renewed domains,” reads the announcement.
GSA says that the HTTPS will be applied to all subdomains of freshly registered executive .gov websites, that include intranet web sites, saying that sticking with HTTP even for the intranet is not at all secure and is  “discouraged.”
If you are to have a target date, GSA claims it is aiming for this new measure to take place in the spring of 2017, and the domain customers will be notified 30 days before changes taken place.
“GSA provides extensive guidance to agencies on HTTPS deployment at https.cio.gov and encourages .gov domain owners to obtain low cost or free certificates, trusted by the general public. As a general matter, more expensive certificates do not offer more security value to service owners, and automatic deployment of free certificates can significantly improve service owners’ security posture,” the GSA adds.


China Takes Internet Censorship to Next Level With “clean up” Campaign

China has announced their new 14-month campaign to “clean up” the internet service providers and bring down devices like virtual private networks (VPNs) that are used to evade their strict censorship.
The ruling party oversees a huge apparatus designed to censor the online content that deemed politically sensitive and blocking many Western websites and the services of the internet giants including Twitter, Facebook and Google.
China passed a controversial cybersecurity bill in the last November, increasing restrictions on online freedom of speech and also imposing some new rules on the service providers.
But companies and individuals use VPNs quite often to access the unfiltered internet that is beyond China’s “Great Firewall”.
Internet service providers and telecom will no longer be allowed to set up or even rent any special lines such as VPNs without the official approval, said the ministry of industry and information technology Sunday.
Their “clean up” campaign would last upto March 2018, as said in a statement on their website.
The announcement came a few days after President Xi Jinping extolled the globalisation and denounced protectionism in a speech at World Economic Forum in Davos, where he said that China is committed to “opening up”.
The internet access services in the Chinese market has grown rapidly, and “first signs of disorderly development are also appearing, making an urgent need for regulation”, the statement said.
The new rules were required to “strengthen internet information security management”, it added.
IT expert Li Yi told the Global Times newspaper, which often takes a nationalistic tone, the new regulations were “extremely important”.
While some multinationals such as Microsoft needed VPNs to communicate with overseas headquarters, other companies and individuals “browse overseas internet pages out of illegal motivations”, Li said.
A 2015 report by the  US think tank Freedom House found that China had the most restrictive Internet policies of 65 countries it studied, ranking below Iran and Syria.
China is home to the world’s largest number of internet users, which totalled 731 million as of December, the government-linked China Internet Network Information Center said Sunday.

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