Spam messages on messaging platforms like WhatsApp, Messenger, etc. is nothing new to us. A couple of weeks back, we had reported about a similar incidence which was a rumor that was spreading about users getting a call from a 9-digit number and their smartphone exploding after that. Well, this new message which is spreading now on WhatsApp is no exception. The new message which is now going viral on WhatsApp is about getting a free Laptop.
Yes, currently, everyone’s WhatsApp inbox is being hit by a spam message which talks something about getting a free laptop via Government program called ‘Laptop Vitran Yojna 2017’ which is basically a program where Government is distributing free laptops. The message which is going viral comes with a link to access this website. Once you tap on the link, you will be directed to a website which has our Prime Minister’s photo on a laptop.
There are three fields which you need to fill out. The website asks for your name, which state you belong from in the country and lastly the preferred brand of Laptop which you would like to get. Once you fill out all these details, you will be redirected to a new page where again you will see two tabs. One reads ‘Invite Friends’ and the other one reads ‘Order Laptop’. As soon as you tap on ‘Order Laptop’ it will ask you to ‘Invite at least 12 groups’ i.e forward the message to at least 12 groups on WhatsApp to proceed.
Now at this point, most people will invite all the friends and try out their luck. And this is where we are suggesting you not to proceed. We all know how these kinds of spam messages work on WhatsApp. This is just to make you spread the message to as many people as you can. Through this, the source of this website is simply looking to get clicks on the advertisement which is displayed on the website.
Do make a note that there is no such program out there and Government is not giving away the free laptops to anyone. If that was the case, then by now we would have seen at least a single advertisement or at least some sort of a campaign. To sum this up, this nothing but a spam message which trying to spread a fake website where no laptops will be given away. Be sure to do proper research on anything before giving away your personal details or sharing it with others. Having said that, we would like to know your thoughts on this. Did you receive this message and if yes, what did you do? Be sure to let us know by dropping a comment down below and also, stay tuned to PhoneRadar for more updates like this
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